5 June 1990
9 June 2008
New Specialised Institution
Legislative Decree 40-2010 (November 2010)
Guatemala ratified the OPCAT in 2008 and two years later designated a new body, the National Office to Prevent Torture, as its NPM, through a legislative decree. The NPM members were officially selected in March 2014. Advances on OPCAT ratification and implementation in Guatemala have been due in good measure to the advocacy efforts of a coalition of actors, including civil society organisations.
The SPT visited Guatemala in May 2015. The report has not been made public by the authorities.
The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Guatemala is available here.
NPM Structure
The Guatemalan NPM consists of a new independent body, the National Preventive Office (Oficina Nacional de Prevención de la Tortura). The Office is assisted by an Advisory Council and an Executive Secretariat. The legislation also foresees the coordination of the new mechanism’s activities with existing monitoring bodies such as the Ombudsperson’s Office.