LGBTI persons deprived of their liberty: a framework for preventive monitoring
English, Russian - Русский, Spanish - Español, French - Français, Portuguese - Português
LGBTI Persons Deprived of Liberty: Joint submission to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
English, Spanish - Español
APT input – Systemic Racism in Law Enforcement
Why ratify the OPCAT?
English, French - Français, Arabic - العربية
Recomendações sobre o Sistema Penitenciário Maranhense
English, Portuguese - Português, Spanish - Español
Novo manual prático sobre a proteção de pessoas LGBTI privadas de liberdade
English, Portuguese - Português, French - Français, Spanish - Español
Fórum Regional da APT sobre o Protocolo Facultativo à Convenção da ONU Contra a Tortura (OPCAT) na América Latina
English, Spanish - Español, Portuguese - Português
Joint oral statement HRC44: Thematic panel on technical cooperation and capacity-building (2020)