Who is the audience for NPM communications?
The audience for different NPM communication will depend on the objectives and the content of those initiatives. However, there are several broad categories.
The general public is an important audience when the NPM’s objectives are to raise awareness of a particular issue or create political pressure for change. This audience might be particularly relevant at times when the NPM has reached the limits of dialogue with the authorities.
The media are both an audience and a conduit to engage the public. As such, engagement with the media by NPMs should be based on clear objectives and a clear strategy. They should also consider questions such as: Who are we trying to reach? What message do we want to share? What are we asking for?
NPMs may also wish to communicate with the authorities, including the police, prison officers or others, outside the context of dialogue. As mentioned above, this is especially the case at the beginning of the NPM’s mandate or when visiting a new category of place where people are detained.
NPMs may wish to communicate specifically with detainees, including on the main findings of their reports or particular recommendations, to help them understand the NPM mandate and why it is useful. This might include providing reports to prison libraries or taking time during visits to explain and discuss the NPM’s mandate and work.
Civil society, international and regional bodies, and the SPT are all also key audiences for NPM communication. They are dealt with in their own tools.
Finally, NPMs may wish to communicate with other NPMs, including to share findings, gather information or seek advice.