On 12 March, the APT together with IRCT, OMCT and FIACAT organised a panel discussion on 'The Role of Medical Doctors in the Fight against Torture'. Chaired by Prof. Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, the panel included the following experts: Dr Jonathan Beynon, contributor to APT’s brochure on the role of doctors in visits to places of detention, Dr Christian Pross Board Member of the Berlin Centre for the Treatment of Torture Victims, IRCT Council Member and Ms. Leanne MacMillan Director of the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of torture (U.K.). Among the different potential roles for doctors in the fight against torture, the panelists mentioned prevention through visits to places of detention, documentation of individual cases of torture, contribution to the fight against impunity and awareness within the medical profession itself. The panel discussion was also an opportunity for the APT to launch its new publication on 'Visits to places of detention: what role for doctors and other health professionals?'

News Thursday, March 13, 2008