More than 300 people attended a two-day festival of music, drama and discussion that helped promote community awareness of the rights of people detained in Malaysia.
The #SafeInCustody Festival – held on 19-20 August 2023 and organised by our partner Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) – sought to engage Malaysian young people in a dialogue about police powers and individual rights on arrest, as well as explore torture prevention efforts in the country.
The event featured a powerful theatre performance by HiMedia that explored the differences between coercive interrogations and rapport-based interviewing in gathering information for police investigations, along with music performances from local bands sharing the message that a world without torture was within reach.
The #SafeInCustody Festival included presentations from representatives of SUARAM, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), the Malaysian police, local civil society organisations, and a forensic psychologist. Speakers shared their insights on the challenges and possibilities for torture prevention initiatives in Malaysia.
The Safe In Custody projects shares a positive narrative to the community on what can be done in places of detention through music, arts, forums and participation of communities, especially for youth in promoting human rights, for those who were detained by the authorities. SUHAKAM hopes to see the positive change in the society as well as to promote respect for human rights of all detained individuals."
The event concluded with three short films, produced as part of the #SafeInCustody project, which touched on different themes: the ineffectiveness of torture to solve crimes; alternative methods of investigations; and Malaysia’s efforts to ensure freedom from torture.
APT Regional Project Officer Manachaya Yankittikul joined a panel discussion following the screenings, sharing news and developments for torture prevention in Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
“The #SafeInCustody Festival clearly demonstrated the power in bringing together people, from different backgrounds and experiences, but with a shared vision for societies without torture,” Ms Yankittikul said.
“It was an inspiring two days that encouraged and empowered everyone who attended, especially the many young people,” she said.
The #SafeInCustody Festival was supported by the APT, SUHAKAM, Amnesty International Malaysia, Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN), Malaysian Bar Association, and Lawyers for Liberty.
The #SafeInCustody project is funded by the European Union. This content is the sole responsibility of the APT and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.