Purpose: To prevent torture and ill-treatment in Indonesia through the development and implementation of national prevention measures and mechanisms.

Dates: January to June 2007

Activities: Translation of the APT Guide on Monitoring Places of Detention Translation of key promotional material on the OPCAT to Bahasa Indonesia (OPCAT Manual, Frequently Asked Questions)Translation of the APT Guidelines for NGOs on Alternative Reporting to the UN Committee against Torture Organisation of a three-day workshop on the shadow reporting to the UN Committee against Torture for 30 participants, including members of the Indonesian NGO Coalition against Torture, based in Jakarta and other regions, such as Aceh and West Papua (to be held on 16-18 July 2007) Organisation of a public launch of the Bahasa versions of APT publications (scheduled for 18 July)Organisation of additional meetings with key government officials and other relevant actors based in Indonesia (eg. NHRC, academics, UNDP) to discuss ratification and implementation of the OPCAT and other measures related to the implementation of the UN Convention against Torture Outcome: It is expected that an Indonesian intern (who worked at the APT and was closely involved in the management of this project) will remain involved in the development of the program on return to Jakarta. By participating in the May 2007 session of the Committee against Torture (CAT), the intern also increased her knowledge of its work and of the extent to which NGOs can have a significant impact on it.Making documents on the OPCAT available in Bahasa Indonesia increases understanding by relevant authorities of what measures ought to be taken to ratify and implement the UNCAT.Translating our Guidelines for NGOs on alternative reporting enhances their understanding of the reporting process before the Committee against Torture and their capacity to have a significant impact. Making our Visits Guide available in Bahasa Indonesia increases the ability of national actors, including the NHRC, to conduct visits to all types of places of detention and make sound recommendations on the basis of their observations. Unique Aspects: The APT will be teaming up with the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) another international human rights NGO with experience in UN treaty reporting processes. This is the first joint APT-OMCT country-specific initiative in recent years.

The work with NGOs in July 2007 is a follow-up to a similar initiative undertaken by the APT in 2001, before Indonesia appeared before the CAT for the first time since it ratified the Convention in 1998.  Indeed, the work done by the APT and Indonesian partners led to the creation of the Indonesian NGO Coalition against Torture, and to the publication of a shadow report.

Upcoming Events: NGO Workshop and bilateral meetings with other stakeholders, 16 - 19 JulyPublic launch of publications, 18 JulyFollow-up visit, November 2007:
High-level roundtable discussion on the OPCAT

Second Phase of NGO shadow report drafting process

Publications: Monitoring Places of Detention: A Practical Guide - Bahasa Indonesia The Optional Protocol: A Manual for Prevention - Bahasa Indonesia
The Optional Protocol: Frequently Asked Questions - Bahasa Indonesia

Partners: The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM) World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) 

Donors / Contributors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the NetherlandsFederal

Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland Contact Person: Philippe Tremblay, APT Asia-Pacific Programme Officer
Participants at the NGO workshop on Alternative Reporting to the CAT, Jakarta, July 2007

The Swiss Ambassador opens the public launch of the Bahasa Indonesia versions of 2 key APT publications

APT, Elsam & OMCT representatives at the Bahasa Indonesia publications launch, July 2007

News Wednesday, July 18, 2007