A roundtable on torture prevention at state level might be the concrete outcome of the discussions to follow up on recommendations by the UN Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture (SPT) to Mexico.

The roundtable discussion was recently organised by the APT, together with local actors and a member of the SPT, in the State of Oaxaca. The event gathered local and national authorities as well as civil society members to analyse the SPT recommendations and to identify concrete measures.

The SPT undertook its visit to Mexico in 2008. The recommendations address key aspects in torture prevention such as the need to abolish the arraigo (preventive detention without charges), the strengthening of the Public Defence – particularly access by indigenous people – and the application of the Istanbul Protocol.

APT carried out this event in conjunction with the Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos "Bartolomé Carrasco Briseño" A.C. (Barca) from Oaxaca, the Centro de Derechos Humanos y Asesoría a Pueblos Indígenas (Cedapi)  and the Government's  Office of the Commissioner on Human Rights.


News Thursday, March 1, 2012