In the framework of the Council of Europe (CoE) 'European NPM Project', a four-day Onsite Exchange of Experience was organized in Yerevan, Armenia. From 24 to 27 October, twelve members of the Torture Prevention Council (Armenian National Preventive Mechanism) participated in a workshop jointly organized by the CoE and the APT, aimed at discussing their working methods in relation to detention monitoring.

The participants were able to share their views and discuss their challenges with experts from the United Nations Subcommittee on Torture Prevention (SPT), the European Committee for the Prevention (CPT), the CoE and the APT.

During this exchange of experience, the international experts accompanied the Torture Prevention Council as observers in a visit to two prisons. After the ‘visiting exercise’ the participants reflected and exchanged together with the international experts on their practice and discussed some key issues that could be addressed in order to further improve the NPM work.

News Sunday, November 6, 2011