1977 - 2007: 30 Years of the APTThroughout the year 2007 a series of 7 events are being organised to mark the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the APT.
1. Seminar: 'Exchange of Views'
4 May 2007, Geneva
The APT convened in Geneva international experts and witnesses of three decades of action for the prevention of torture. The seminar reviewed the historical evolution of the fight against torture and looked at the future challenges in the new context of an Optional Protocol in force. 2. Expert meeting: 'Ticking Bomb Scenario'4-5 June, Geneva
An expert meeting was organised jointly with the Coalition of International NGOs Against Torture (CINAT) to discuss the so called 'Ticking Bomb Scenario'. Further information...  3. Anniversaries Garden Party28 June 2007
Coinciding with the second meeting of the Subcommittee on Prevention (SPT) a festive event was held in the garden of the APT with SPT Members as Special Guests, to celebrate the:1st Anniversary of the OPCAT
20th Anniversary of the UN Convention against Torture
20th Anniversary of the entry into force of the Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture
20th Anniversary of the adoption of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture
30th Anniversary of the APT 4. Booklet on 30 years of Prevention2 November 2007
A publication on the history of three decades of prevention of torture focusing on 10 key moments and 30 key persons will be launched on 2 November. 5. Geneva Reception: Official Celebration of 30 Years of the APT2 November 2007A Reception will be held with guests including Geneva politicians, Ambassadors and Members of the UN Human Rights Committee. 6. Study, Paper and Expert meeting: 'Protection of persons visiting places of detention'December 2007

7. Expert meeting: 'Protection of individuals with mental disabilities deprived of their liberty'
January 2008

News Wednesday, May 30, 2007