LGBTI persons have historically been subjected to discrimination, abuse, and institutional violence, across all regions of the world. Discriminatory and abusive patterns are magnified in detention contexts, making Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) persons who are deprived of their liberty particularly exposed to risks of ill-treatment and even torture.
This manual is a direct response to the growing demand for practical guidance on this topic, and covers prisons, police custody and immigration detention facilities. This publication has benefited from the expertise of numerous experts and practitioners from diverse disciplines.
“This guide - prepared by the Association for the Prevention of Torture with great attention to the current state of international human rights law, best practices in the field of torture prevention, and the wealth of experience of the extraordinary group of experts that provided its substance - will provide an understanding of the factors of risk and the acts, patterns and extreme manifestations of torture and ill treatment against LGTBI persons, and is an invaluable blueprint for any conceptual understanding of these.”
Foreword by Victor Madrigal-Borloz, UN Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity.