More older persons are in prison than ever before, and the number has been growing at a faster rate than the general prison population – at least in countries where data is available. This ageing of the prison population has unique and important implications for health and age-related policy and practice across criminal justice systems. Older persons can face particular challenges in prison and may experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination while deprived of liberty.
This tool aims to support detention monitors in assessing conditions for older persons in prisons in line with international human rights standards to ensure that the rights of older persons in detention are protected. Based on input from National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) and experts, this tool provides analysis and practical guidance to enable monitoring bodies to address systemic risk factors for older persons in detention, with a focus on prevention of torture and other ill-treatment.
This paper is part of PRI/APT’s Detention Monitoring Tool, which aims to provide analysis and practical guidance to help monitoring bodies, including National Preventive Mechanisms, to fulfil their preventive mandate as effectively as possible when visiting police facilities or prisons. The tool seeks to support such bodies in addressing systemic risk factors that contribute to an environment where torture or other ill-treatment occurs.