18 December 1990
2 July 2009
Ombuds Institution
Law No. 181 of 28 December 2014 published in the Official Gazette N°6 of 6 January 2015, amending the People's Advocate Law (Law No. 35 of 1997)
Government Ordonnance No.48 (published in the Official Gazette N°485 of 30 June 2014)
Law No.9 of 5 January 2018 published in the Official Gazette No.17 of 8 January 2018, amending the Law No. 35/1997 regarding the organization and functioning of the People's Advocate Institution.
NPM Structure
The Romanian NPM functions as a separate unit under the Romanian Ombuds office. It works in partnership with NGOs, on the basis of MoUs. The presence of NGOs as part of NPM monitoring visits is mandated by the NPM law.
Annual reports
The Ombuds Institution publishes an annual report that includes information on its work as an NPM. The annual reports are available on its website.
Other Reports
Other reports, such as visits and thematic reports, may be available on the NPM’s website.