
UNCAT ratification date

5 October 1998

OPCAT ratification date

7 November 2014

In May 2020, the Niger Council of Ministers adopted two new bills aimed at strengthening the legal framework against torture. For the first time, the first bill would define and criminalise torture in the Penal Code. The second bill (the Loi organique de la CNDH : la loi N°2012-44 du 24 août 2012 modifiée et complétée par la loi N°2020-02 du 6 mai 2020) revised the National Commission for Human Rights (CNDH)’s mandate to include the mandate of NPM.

In 2023, the CHDH was dissolved by the new transitional government and may eventually be replaced by a new National Observatory on Human Rights. Discussions are ongoing regarding the legal framework and possible NPM designation of this new institution.

The SPT visited Niger from 29 January to 4 February 2017. The report has not been made public yet.

The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Niger is available here.