
UNCAT ratification date

13 December 2005

OPCAT ratification date

21 September 2017

NPM Type

National Human Rights Commission

NPM Legal Framework

Madagascar signed the OPCAT in 2003 and ratified on 21 September 2017.

As for the NPM designation process, on 1 June 2018 the Parliament adopted a law amending the founding legislation of the National Human Rights Commission, to grant it the NPM mandate. The High Constitutional Court declared the  of Law n ° 2018-028  to be in conformity with the Constitution, by decision n ° 02-HCC / D3 of January 23, 2019, allowing it to enter into force.

While still waiting for additional resources for NPM work, in 2023, the Commission made changes to its internal regulations to establish an NPM unit under the leadership of the Vice-Chair and with staff seconded from existing divisions. 

The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Madagascar is available here.