20 September 1987
19 May 2010
Ombudsperson's Office (Médiateure du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)
Ombuds Institution
In 2010, Luxembourg adopted a specific OPCAT legislation, which included both the ratification of the OPCAT and the designation of the NPM. The Ombudsperson’s Office was designated as the NPM and a specific NPM department was established. It has been operational for a few years now.
The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Luxembourg is available here.
NPM Structure
Following its designation as NPM, the Ombudsperson’s Office established a new unit within its office to perform the NPM mandate, also called “External Monitoring Service of Control of Places of Deprivation of Liberty” (Service du contrôle externe des lieux privatifs de liberté).
A specific NPM webpage was launched within the Ombudsman’s Office website, which is available at: http://www.celpl.lu/
The NPM's Annual Report and other reports, such as visit reports, may be available on the NPM's website.