2 November 1990
3 November 2006
Corrections Commission (Vollzugskommission)
New Specialised Institution
Article 17, Enforcement of Sentences Act (21 November 2007)
Liechtenstein ratified the OPCAT in 2006. The following year the Corrections Commission was designated as its NPM through a revision of the Enforcement of Sentences Act. This is a new body which has been operational since 2007.
The Corrections Commission has two mandates, it works as a correction commission according to the Enforcement of Sentences Act, which foresees visits to penal institutions, and it also assumes the National Preventive Mechanism mandate which implies the monitoring of all places of deprivation of liberty according to the OPCAT.
The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Liechtenstein is available here.
Annual reports
The Corrections Commission publishes an annual report every year, which may be available on its website.