23 October 1996
20 February 2019
Ombuds Institution
Bill amending the Ombudsman Act, no. 85/1997. 149th Legislative Assembly 2018–2019. Parliamentary document 250 - 235.
During the examination of Iceland’s third periodic report in May 2008, the UN Committee against Torture encouraged the country to proceed to its ratification of the OPCAT at the earliest possible date. In June 2010, following her visit to Iceland, the High Commissioner for Human Rights encouraged Iceland to proceed to the prompt ratification of the OPCAT.
Following a Parliamentary resolution on OPCAT ratification on the 19th of December 2015, Iceland ratified the treaty in February 2019. At the same time, legislative amendments were adopted by the parliament to give the mandate to the Ombudsman.
The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Iceland is available here.
Annual reports
The Ombudsman publishes an annual report, including on the activities of the NPM.
Other Reports
NPM visit reports are available here.