12 October 1992
25 April 2005
Ombudswoman in cooperation with representatives of the academic community and human rights NGOs
Ombuds Institution
NPM Act (2 February 2011)
Ombudsman Act (September 1992)
Croatia ratified the OPCAT in 2005. It designated its Ombudsperson's Office six years later (2011) through a specific legislation. The NPM started its operations in 2012.
The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Croatia is available here.
NPM Structure
In June 2013, a specific department was established within the Ombudsperson's Office to deal with complaints of persons deprived of liberty and the NPM tasks. The department is chaired by the Deputy Ombudsperson.
Annual reports
The Ombudsman publishes an annual report on the NPM's activities. The annual report is submitted and presented to the Parliament. The reports are available on the NPM's website.