UNCAT ratification date
15 October 1992
OPCAT ratification date
30 March 2007
NPM designated
Inter-governmental committee
NPM Type
New specialised institution
NPM Legal Framework
Sub-Decree No. 122 SRR (7 August 2009)
Cambodia ratified the OPCAT in 2007. In 2009 it established an Intergovernmental Committee as its NPM through a sub-decree approved by the Prime Minister. This governmental committee was originally intended to be a temporary body while discussions proceeded on how to establish an independent NPM but so far these discussions have not successfully concluded.
Cambodia received a first visit by the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture in 2009. The SPT made a follow-up visit to in December 2013. Neither of these SPT reports has been made public.
The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Cambodia is available here.