
UNCAT ratification date

September 28, 1989

OPCAT ratification date

January 12, 2007

NPM designated

National System to Prevent and Combat Torture

NPM Type

National Preventive System in Federal State

NPM Legal Framework

Law N° 12.847 (2 August 2013) - Portuguese version

Implementing Decree N° 8.154 (16 December 2013) - Portuguese version

Law N° 12.857 creating the NPM members' positions (2 September 2013) - Portuguese version

2022 Supreme Court ruling declaring unconstitutional Decree that dismantled the NPM (ADPF 607).

LPM Framework

Rio de Janeiro


  • LPM Legal Framework: Law nº 9413 (July 2011
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: State Mechanism to Prevent and Combat Torture


  • LPM Legal Framework: Law nº 14.863 (December 2012)
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: State Mechanism to Prevent and Combat Torture




  • LPM Legal Framework: Law 3.986 (01 November 2022) 
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: State Mechanism to Prevent and Combat Torture
  • LPM Legal Framework: Law n°7.141/2009 (December 2009)
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: -


Espirito Santo
  • LPM Legal Framework: Law nº10.006 (April 2013)
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: State Mechanism to Prevent and Combat Torture


Minas Gerais
  • LPM Legal Framework:  Law nº 21.164 (17 January 2014)
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: -


  • LPM Legal Framework:  Law  10.334 (October 2015)
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: -


  • LPM Legal Framework:  Law 8.135 (13 July 2016)
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: State Mechanism to Prevent and Combat Torture


  • LPM Legal Framework: Law 2.226 (20 September 2017)
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: -


  • LPM Legal Framework: Law 9.647 (29 June 2022) 
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: -
  • LPM Legal Framework: Law 8.198 (31 October 2023) 
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: -
  • LPM Legal Framework: Law 18.660 (27 December 2023) 
  • LPM Type: New Specialised Institution
  • Designated NPM: -