11 May 1994
1 October 2023
People's Advocate (Avokati i Popullit)
Articles 36 and 74 (1-3), Law N° 9888 (10 March 2008), Unofficial Translation.
See also People's Advocate Legal Basis (Law N° 8454 of 4 February 1999 as amended) and OPCAT Ratification Bill (Albanian)
Albania ratified the OPCAT in 2003 and established its NPM five years later, in 2008, within the Ombuds Institution (People's Advocate), through amendments to the existing legislation.
A specific unit was created within the existing institution to perform the NPM mandate. It started its operations in 2008.
The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for Albania is available here.
NPM Structure
A specific unit was created within the People’s Advocate Office to assume the NPM mandate. The NPM unit is led by a Commissioner (see Organisational Chart of the People's Advocate).
Annual reports
The People's Advocate publishes an annual report. The annual reports are available here.
Other Reports
Other reports, such as visits and thematic reports, may be available on the NPM's website.