Your donation will help us to:
- Promote transparency in all countries of the world to end secrecy in detention
- Empower women and girls to claim their rights vis-à-vis the police and detention staff
- Ensure that LGBTIQ+ people are treated equally and fairly by the police and the justice system
- Help transforming policing and criminal justice systems to guarantee dignity for all
Donate by Bank Transfer:
UBS Vermont-Nations CH-1202 GenevaAPT Account number: 279-C8117533.0 Bank Code: 279 SWIFT number: UBSWCHZH80AIBAN: CH62 0027 9279 C811 7533 0
Donate by Post Office account (only available in Switzerland):
APT postal account: CCP 12-21656-7
Donations to APT are tax deductible (up to a limit of 20% of your total taxable net income/taxable net benefit) and the APT provides its donors with donation receipts for their declaration. We do not share, sell or make public the personal data of our individual donors.