In the framework of its partnership with the Romanian National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), APT organised a detention monitoring workshop for the NPM members in Bucharest from 3 to 5 May. Organised thanks to the support of the Organisation Internationale de La Francophonie (OIF), the three-day workshop aimed at reinforcing the capacities of the Romanian NPM to enable them to carry out their preventive mandate efficiently.
In particular, the APT offered a methodology on the preparation, conduct and follow-up to visits in places where people are deprived of their liberty; additional guidance on optimising reports and recommendations thanks to the incorporation of a “change perspective” in the overall planning, as well as drafting of reports; and presented various approaches to develop when dealing with persons in specific situations of vulnerability.
The discussed methodology was applied in practice during a visit in the Jilava prison, a male prison with open and semi-open regimes in Bucharest.
The workshop was attended by all members of the Romanian NPM, whether working in the capital city or in regional offices, as well as their partners including doctors, psychologists, social workers and NGO members. Feedback revealed a satisfaction rate of 99.35%.
The workshop was also the opportunity to show for the first time APT’s animated video on the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) with Romanian subtitles.