
UNCAT ratification date

21 December 1988

OPCAT ratification date

28 September 2010

NPM Type

National Human Rights Commission

The Netherlands ratified the OPCAT in 2010 and designated six different institutions as NPM in December 2011. In January 2012, two institutions merged into the Inspectorate of Security and Justice (IVenJ), which acts as the NPM coordinator. In addition, in 2014 the tasks of the Supervisory Commission on Repatriation were also merged with the IVenJ.

Following many years of discussions about the best NPM for the Netherlands, it was decided to change NPM models and move away from the multiple body system. Since legal changes which came into force in 2024, the College voor de Rechten van de Mens (the National Human Rights Commission) is now designated as sole NPM for the Netherlands. 

So far, the NPM does not have jurisdiction over the islands of the Dutch Caribbean.

The SPT carried out an advisory visit to the Dutch NPM in July 2015. The report to the State was made public.

The SPT member who is the SPT Focal Point for the Netherlands is available here.


NPM Structure

The College voor de Rechten van de Mens has an NPM unit under one of the Commissioners, with a dedicated staff. 


Annual reports

Formerly, Dutch NPM annual reports were compiled by the Coordinating Body, the Inspectorate of Security and Justice (IVenJ). Annual reports of the new NPM will be available on the Commission website.