
The NPM is all the institutions together. Each separate institution is a part of the NPM. The NPM as a whole should have coherence in its communications, goals, strategies, and approaches. All new multiple body NPMs should discuss their goals and strategies as NPM, and their internal organisation and work practices. This discussion could include institutional practices, the management of knowledge and information, decision-making processes, engagement with civil society, engagement with authorities, communications strategies, and responding to common issues. Discussions such as these can continue for ongoing evaluation and development, and to review the ways in which the NPM as a whole is working.
While a NPM institution may have a wider mandate the institution must also identify itself as a NPM. It is critical for an existing body to understand that becoming a NPM is not business as usual and to understand the preventive mandate of OPCAT. Existing mandates and thematic work may strengthen a future NPM and, vice versa, NPM work may strengthen existing mandates.  Any business planning, expectations, or strategies could include discussion on the new NPM role.

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