The Government of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – where torture and ill-treatment is commonplace – has committed to signing the National Plan to Combat and Prevent Torture.

In this context, the National and Local Human Rights Secretariats joined forces with the APT to train local authorities responsible for implementing the Plan in different municipalities of this Brazilian state. The workshop, which took place in Rio de Janeiro from 1 to 4 March 2010, aimed to strengthen skills for monitoring places of detention.

This was the 6th in a series of detention monitoring workshops organized by the APT in different states of Brazil. The APT also attended a parallel meeting with local civil society organisations, convened jointly by the Rio Parliamentarian, Marcelo Freixo, and long-time partners Centre for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) and the Group 'Torture Never Again' (GTNM-RJ). The initiative is financed by the European Commission.

News Thursday, March 4, 2010