The Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture (OPCAT) entered into force in June 2006. Over the past decade, the OPCAT has contributed to real changes in the prevention of torture and ill-treatment worldwide. The simple fact that States have provided external and independent experts with access to their places of detention, on a regular and unannounced basis, is a remarkable achievement in itself.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the OPCAT, the APT gathered 20 stories of impact from various stakeholders active in the field of torture prevention and put them all together in a booklet as well as on a mini-website.

This booklet offers a snapshot of the positive changes brought about by the
OPCAT. It provides an insight into what the prevention of torture and ill-treatment means in practice, from the perspective of those directly involved: State authorities, the United Nations, National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs), civil society and persons deprived of liberty.

Putting prevention into practice - OPCAT 10th anniversary booklet (2016)
pdf 2.82 MB
La prévention en pratique : 10 ans du Protocole facultatif à la Convention contre la torture
French - Français
pdf 2.42 MB
Poner en práctica la prevención: diez años del Protocolo Facultativo de la Convención contra la Tortura
Spanish - Español
pdf 2.4 MB