In June 2014, the APT organised the first Jean-Jacques Gautier NPM Symposium, Addressing children’s vulnerabilities in detention, to discuss the vulnerabilities and risks faced by children deprived of their liberty and explore how NPMs can effectively address these issues.

This report seeks to support NPMs established under the OPCAT and all those working to protect the rights of children deprived of liberty, by highlighting the key issues, strategies, good practices and ways forward deriving from the discussions among participants.

Addressing children’s vulnerabilities in detention - Jean-Jacques Gautier NPM Symposium 2014 Outcome Report
pdf 456.21 KB
Répondre aux situations de vulnérabilité des enfants en détention - Symposium Jean-Jacques Gautier pour les MNP 2014, rapport final
French - Français
pdf 489.75 KB
Enfrentando as vulnerabilidades de crianças em privação de liberdade - Simpósio Jean- Jacques Gautier de Mecanismos Nacionais de Prevenção 2014, Relatório de Resultados
Portuguese - Português
pdf 481 KB